Amsterdam Armory: HABS/HAER Photography

In one of my earlier collaborations with real estate broker Michael Franklin, I conducted the HABS/HAER photography of the former National Guard Armory in Amsterdam, NY. Built in 1895, this imposing Gothic Revival building was decommissioned in 1994 and sold into private hands. By 2012, it was a private house and occasional bed and breakfast, …


McCurdy Smokehouse, Lubec, Maine

I had the distinct honor and pleasure in 2024 to work under contract to the Maine Historic Preservation Commission on behalf of the historic McCurdy Smokehouse, located on the water’s edge in Lubec, the easternmost town in the United States. The MHPC asked that I work on revising the 1993 National Register of Historic Places …


Kalamazoo: Michigan Historic Preservation Network, 2024

I once again joined a terrific set of colleagues for the annual conference of the Michigan Historic Preservation Network, held this year in Kalamazoo. It was another enjoyable and informative gathering, and as usual I brought my 4×5 camera for some HABS/HAER photography. Both Western Michigan University, where the conference was held, and the City …


L Street Power Station HABS/HAER Photography

In early 2021 I was asked to conduct the HABS/HAER photography of the former L Street Power Station, in South Boston, MA. This is a massive, sprawling power generation complex located on the Reserved Channel that is a conglomeration of several generation facilities built over the course of nearly a century. The site is now …


Public Utilities Regulatory Priorities Act of 1978 (PURPA) and Hydroelectric Power: Mine Falls, NH

In 1978, in response to the international oil crisis of the mid-1970s, Congress and the administration of President Jimmy Carter collaborated to pass and enact the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA). The purpose of PURPA was to both promote energy conservation and to stimulate the production of domestic energy, particularly from cogeneration and renewable …


Walton’s Mill Dam HABS/HAER Photography

In 2020, the Atlantic Salmon Federation asked me to document the Walton’s Mill Dam, in Farmington, ME, for the Maine Historic Engineering Record (MHER). Working under subcontract to my friends and colleagues at the Northeast Archaeology Research Center in Farmington and with the support of the Farmington Historical Society, the project included HABS/HAER photography and …
